On the morning of 28th May, I donned my party frock and pretty shoes, made sure the cupcakes were seated safely in the back of the car and made my way up to lovely Sheffield. I met the 'Winnie Project Master' at BBC Radio Sheffield and toddled down with her to Sheffield City Hall. Once all my lovely cakes were set up around the main birthday cake, made by Cheryl Thompson of Cheryl Makes Cakes, I got to work helping all that were there to set up the thousands of cards and presents. The room looked beautiful - lilac and white balloons everywhere, lilac ribbon adorned the chairs and beautiful sparkles sprinkled all over crisp white tablecloths. By almost 11 o'clock, everyone was sitting, waiting patiently for the birthday girl to arrive at her surprise party! Radio Sheffield, BBC Radio 5Live, The Sheffield Star, The Sun and BBC Look North were all there, along with the town crier, The Vernon Sisters and Razzamatazz. It turns out we were due to have a surprise of our own. Five minutes before Winnie was due to turn up, the fire alarm sounded! Initially, we suspected it may have been part of the surprise, but alas, it wasn't. So we were all ushered outside to wait until it was clear for us to go back into the building.

Once the panic was over, and we had been given the all-clear from the fire brigade, we all filed back into the hall and awaited the arrival of Winnie. As soon as we had been given the nod to say Winnie was coming through the doors, The Vernon Sisters took to the stage in their beautiful 1950s dresses and sang a wonderful acapella rendition of 'Happy Birthday' followed by a (very) rousing speech from the jolly town crier (whose surname, ironically, is Cryer!) - "God Save Winnie and the Queen". Winnie was totally overwhelmed with all the fuss and I have to say, I think I probably would be too, if I had been in her shoes! After a brief interview with Radio Sheffield, Winnie was presented with a copy of the Yorkshire Post from the day she was born and a beautiful silver letter opener. The Vernon Sisters sang a few well-known classics and were followed by the wonderfully talented children from Razzamatazz who gave us all a wonderful show - singing and dancing in their rosy red flapper dresses (and sharp suits for the boys). After another wonderful performance by The Vernon Sisters and once all the delicious cakes had been eaten, it was time for the birthday girl and all of her guests to depart.

It was an incredible honour to be part of lovely Winnie's special day and certainly one that I will remember for a while. Winnie is truly a lovely and very wonderful lady; so very deserving of all the presents, cards, flowers and chocolates she has been sent. She may not have had any surviving relatives, but after this awe-inspiring campaign, I think Winnie will have gained a whole new family who wish her well. Winnie Blagden, you are a lovely lady. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!