These last two weeks have been exceptionally hectic for me, hence the quietness on the blog front!
The start of the first week was preparation for my first ever wedding fair - making dummy cakes, fondant flowers, sample cakes for tasting, making sure I had enough business cards....the list went on! Days and days of preparation were well worth it though. Once the car was loaded up with cakes, cards and dummies, it was off to Grantham Guildhall Arts Centre!

It was a small affair with just 15 stands in the ballroom, which, to be honest, for someone doing their first wedding fair, was ideal! Especially as the nerves were kicking in whilst I was setting up. That soon changed once the doors were opened and people started meandering in. It got me talking about one of the things I love - CAKE! At that point, the nerves flittered away completely! For my first fair, it went rather well. I got to speak to lots of brides (and grooms!) and I also managed to speak with a few of the other businesses that were there - Russell Croucher Photography, Jennifer Anne Make Up Artist, WiseGuys Menswear, Paul Bryant Photography and a lovely lady by the name of Colette from Repli-cake, who makes a miniature version of your wedding cake from clay to keep as a memento of your special day, displayed in a glass dome. Her attention to detail in each cake is phenomenal and truly beautiful!

I have always said, there is no 'blue-print' for a wedding cake. It is all about making it personal to yourselves - from the traditional flower sprays to 'something a little different', there is no right or wrong way as to how your wedding cake looks. I do love making something personal for each couple, whether it be dry stone walls, Pacman and cakes as we had on our wedding cake; beautiful handmade flowers and sparkles as requested by a lovely local couple recently, or vintage shabby chic and bunting.
It is always nice to have customers come back again. More so, when the last time you spoke to them was quite some time ago, but you still remember who they were. I was asked at the beginning of the year if I could make a wedding cake for a couple I had made a birthday cake a few years ago (a Typhoon Fighter jet to be precise...)

Did I remember them? Of course! Because all of my cakes are made to order, not one of them has ever been identical to another, which makes them all the more memorable. The theme of this wedding cake? - Shabby chic with bunting, pale pinks and blues. It sounded beautiful. Pencils and pens on paper and I came up with a few ideas, the design was picked and a few months later the cake was made (with a few extra cupcakes to go with it). Displayed in the banqueting hall of Barnsdale Lodge, with the drapes hanging from the ceiling and the silver candelabra, it all looked beautiful!
Congratulations to both couples on starting their new lives together!