Sunshine And Blueberries

Well, this week has been a wonderful week for sitting out at lunchtime enjoying a lovely cup of tea with toast and jam. It has also been a great week for creating yummies in the kitchen. From blueberry muffins (which, it turns out, my daughter is far, far better at making than I am!) to delicious fruit scones which went exceedingly well with butter, jam and clotted cream. This afternoon's baking involved a delicious blueberry and apple loaf courtesy of @utterlyscrummy on Twitter. I did give it my little twist by replacing the apple juice with orange juice in the mix. Then they covered it in beautifully glossy orange icing, grated orange zest and pretty little lavender flowers. It tastes simply divine when it is still warm!


Last night we all made homemade pizzas, which meant we could be as creative and inventive as we wanted! My daughter decided she was going to turn her pizza into a little panda...... Homemade pizzas, i have to say, are far tastier than shop-bought ones!

I'm looking forward to the Market Overton Feast Weekend which is coming up at the end of this month. A first for me to have a little stall to sell my beautiful creations from! May this be the first of many hopes! :)

Anyway, I am now off to enjoy the glorious weather. Happy baking all!